Freelancer Terms of Service - Mortis Development

1. Introduction

Welcome to Mortis Development! These Freelancer Terms of Service ("TOS") govern your engagement as a freelancer providing services to Mortis Development. By accepting a service order from Mortis Development, you agree to comply with these terms. Please read them carefully.

2. Service Engagement

2.1 Quote Submission: Freelancers may submit quotes for services requested by Mortis Development. The quote should include a detailed breakdown of the services to be provided, estimated timeline for completion, and the total service fee.

2.2 Acceptance of Quote: Mortis Development reserves the right to accept or reject any quote submitted by freelancers. Upon acceptance of the quote, the freelancer agrees to commence work on the specified timeline and deliver the services as outlined in the quote.

3. Payment Terms

3.1 Service Fee: The service fee agreed upon in the quote will be paid by the client to Mortis Development upon acceptance of the quote.

3.2 Commission: Freelancers will receive payment for their services after deducting a commission of 15% from the original service fee. The remaining amount will be paid to the freelancer upon completion and delivery of the services.

4. Service Delivery

4.1 Timely Delivery: Freelancers are expected to deliver the services within the agreed-upon timeline specified in the quote. Any delays in service delivery may result in deductions from the freelancer's payment, as determined by Mortis Development.

4.2 Quality Assurance: Freelancers are responsible for ensuring the quality and accuracy of the services provided. Mortis Development reserves the right to reject services that do not meet the specified requirements or quality standards.

5. Deductions and Penalties

5.1 Late Delivery: If a freelancer fails to deliver the services within the agreed-upon timeline, deductions may be made from the freelancer's payment based on the extent of the delay and the reasons provided.

5.2 Quality Issues: In the event of quality issues or discrepancies with the delivered services, deductions may be made from the freelancer's payment to cover any necessary revisions or corrections.

6. Intellectual Property

6.1 Ownership: Services provided by freelancers to Mortis Development are considered work-for-hire and become the intellectual property of Mortis Development upon payment.

6.2 License: Freelancers may not reproduce, distribute, or sublicense the services provided to Mortis Development without prior written consent.

7. Confidentiality

7.1 Non-Disclosure: Freelancers agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information shared by Mortis Development during the course of the service engagement.

8. Dispute Resolution

8.1 Resolution Process: In the event of disputes or disagreements between Mortis Development and freelancers, both parties agree to engage in good faith negotiations to resolve the issue amicably.

9. Governing Law

These Freelancer Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Pakistan.

10. Changes to Terms

Mortis Development reserves the right to modify or revise these Freelancer Terms of Service at any time. Freelancers will be notified of any changes, and continued engagement with Mortis Development constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.

11. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these Freelancer Terms of Service, please contact us at

Thank you for partnering with Mortis Development!

Last updated